Dissecting music videos, both new and old, with jokes.

Indefinite Return: Another Flavor 2 - The Flavoring




Due to circumstances entirely under my control, this blog is coming back online with a new schedule.

Why the new schedule? My life has changed. I have two lil’ babies and a more demanding job, so instead of 5 days a week this blog will now be posting once a week, on Mondays.

Why the return? I’m glad you asked (even though I know you didn’t). I realized that I’ll never have as much time as I once did, but I’m still brimming with music video-related jokes, false anecdotes, and blowhard opinions. The internet has sorely missed al these things in my absence, so I’m honor bound to bring them back.

To excite you, please enjoy this video of Mother by Danzig (you aren’t tired of it yet, are you?):

Look for my first real post next week. Expect to learn a lot about livin’ and a little ‘bout music videos.


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