Dissecting music videos, both new and old, with jokes.


Romulus, Remus, and Hollywood - Obsession by Animotion



The dictionary defines “obsession” as:

a type of cologne

That doesn’t seem right, but I guess its what I get for using a dictionary published by Calvin Klein. My head dictionary defines “obsession” as:

of, or related to, being obsessed

With “obsessed” meaning:

of, or related to, an obsession

I hope that clears things up.

Either way, let’s just say that Animotion has a different idea of what Obsession really means. To them, it means ancient Rome.

Take a look, “Obsession” by Animotion:

The video opens simply and traditionally with some shoulder-based synchronized dancing.

I really appreciate the two singers’ looks here. I think the woman singer’s crazy hair may have been in fashion at some point in the ’80s? That look did not age well. The man’s look may have aged slightly better but it doesn’t look very “music video-y” to my “modern” eyes. More, like, “failing to look professional for a job interview-y”.

We’re suddenly transported to ancient Rome.

Why? No idea.

We get some groovy special effects here where the pool is replaced with another video so we can see the mirror image from the ancient past to the ’80s future.

You can’t tell from this screenshot, but the guitar player and bass player are doing some of the most awkward synchronized moves here that I think I’ve ever seen. Their movements are so exaggerated that you can tell that they are barely even pretending to play their instruments. It’s embarassing for them and for all of us.

Next, we see a (potentially arab? Is this racist? Am I racist?) man with a rakishly raised eyebrow.

I want to note, that, while this man appears multiple times in the video, he doesn’t seem to have any connection with anything else in the video.

See if you can spot the subtle anachronism in the next shot.

That’s right, the underwear he’s probably wearing wasn’t invented until after Roman soldiers stopped wearing those breastplates.

The next section focuses heavily on the bass player for some reason.

He sits bolt upright in bed. Was his sudden prominence in the video only a dream?

Nope! We get even more shots of the bass player.

What is this face he is making here? Do you think its on purpose? It’s almost like he went for duck face and missed. Luckily, when you shoot for the moon, if you miss you still end up making a weird kissy face.

From the bass player, we get a brief focus on the guitar player. For reasons that are unclear, this section features a space man on a bed being serenaded by the guitar player wearing what appears to be an extremely fake looking army helmet.

It’s not exactly on theme with the ancient Roman stuff.

At this point, everyone else gives up too.

This scene appears to have a Roman soldier fake sword fighting with someone dressed all in black. There is a jester-dressed person hitting things with drum sticks. In the background someone seems to be dressed like The Captain.

I don’t think anyone involved with this video knew what they were doing or cared whether anyone else did either.

If you aren’t quite sure if that’s the case, take a look at this:

Now, I’m sure when your band gets a chance to make a music video you have to have in the back of your mind that you might never get to make another video again. But if you decide to cram everything that you ever might want to do in a video (ancient Rome, space, hair) then, rather than a single video to be proud of, you’ll end up with a mess (and probably less chance that you’ll get to make another video anyway).

But, I think this video kind of works? The song is pretty boring and it seems like the members of the band are pretty boring. So, might as well make a head scratcher of a video. Something we can all respect and admire.